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Request for Excused Absence

Due Two (2) weeks prior to Absence

Absence Policy

Regular and punctual attendance is essential to successful class work. The school calendar provides generous vacation opportunities and we encourage ALL families to plan out-of-town trips to coincide with the days in which the school is closed. We strongly discourage parents from removing their children on regular school days. Faithful attendance fosters a positive attitude of commitment to a strong educational program. Unnecessary absences force students to miss valuable instruction and unfairly increase the teachers' workload. Students with chronic absenteeism may be required to bring in a doctor's note before further absences are excused.

We ask that all appointments (doctor, dental, etc) be scheduled for Fridays. If that is not possible and your student has an appointment during a school day, please inform the office as soon as possible. No student can be picked up without prior notice. Students must check out and back in through the school office. Parents are not to go to the classrooms to pick up their children. Students are responsible for all missed work.

Extended Absence Policy

Realizing the unique community that we are a part of and the opportunity some of our students have to travel with parents on ministry trips, we want to accommodate short and infrequent trips, while at the same time building a culture of academic excellence and camaraderie at school.

We do ask that as much travel as possible, especially vacations, be planned around our TDCA break days. We have found that the workload for students making up missed assignments from travel is quite burdensome on the student and the teacher.

Individual teachers will decide whether work must be done during the absence or made up afterwards.

Individual teachers will determine the time limits for any make-up work for non-illness related absences. Note: To receive full credit, long-term assignments and projects are due before departure.

Parents are ultimately responsible for the instruction of the material presented during the period of their child's absence. Occasionally, a parent may need to hire a tutor to accomplish this purpose. Teachers will not be expected to re-teach subject matter to the student upon their return from the absence.

The Administration Office alone will determine whether an absence will be excused. In the event that parents make multiple requests for excused absences for time off, or the number of days requested seems unreasonable, the office will not approve the absence. In this case, the student will not be provided the opportunity to make up missed. assignments.

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